суббота, 20 июля 2013 г.

Снятие моратория на продажу земли. Что будет с ценами?

Средняя цена одного гектара земель сельскохозяйственного назначения после снятия моратория на продажу таких земель составит $ 500 - $ 1000.Прогноз роста цен на землю сельхозназначения и ситуация в мировой экономике сделает акции сельскохозяйственных компаний доходными.

Такой прогноз дает Building инвестиционная компания "Сократ" (Киев).

"Мы убеждены, что средняя цена одного гектара земли после снятия моратория будет в пределах $ 500 - $ 1000. В течение пяти лет мы ожидаем роста цен на землю после того, как рынок земли стабилизируется", - говорится в сообщении компании.

"Сократ" также отмечает высокую рентабельность котирующихся на биржах украинских сельскохозяйственных, компаний "которая значительно выше рентабельности подобных международных компаний".

"Рентабельность по EBITDA Астарты в первом полугодии 2008 г. составила 49%. Рентабельность по EBITDA МХП ("Мироновский хлеборпродукт") в первом полугодии 2008 г. достигла 42%.

Затраты на оплату труда и арендную плату за землю в Украине значительно ниже Европейского уровня. По нашим оценкам, вышеперечисленные затраты соответственно составляют 21% и 9% от общей структуры затрат компании", - отмечают аналитики "Сократа". 

Комментируя перспективы сельскохозяйственного производства в Украине, аналитики отмечают возможность увеличения пахотных земель, благодаря тому, что "десятилетиями значительная часть пахотных земель была заброшена и пахотные земли страны недоиспользовались", а также потенциальный рост урожайности культур.

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Земельные участки вокруг Софийского собора считаются особо ценными!

7 сентября Киевский апелляционный суд подтвердил решение Окружного административного суда о признании земель в пределах охранной зоны ансамбля Софии особо ценными.

Это решение ставит точку в длительной истории судебных исков в защиту уникального исторического архитектурного ансамбля.

Истцом в процессе выступала Всеукраинская общественная организация «Гражданская позиция» с целью защитить Софию от разрушения и коммерческой застройки.

Отныне земли Софийского ансамбля внесены в государственный земельный кадастр со статусом «земли историко-культурного назначения, в соответствии с ч.1 ст.150 Земельного кодекса Украины - особо ценные земли».

Это значит, что киевская власть больше не сможет подковерно отдать в аренду или продать земли вокруг Софии Киевской. Согласно законодательству, отныне решение о землях исторического ансамбля должны рассматриваться исключительно в Верховной Раде. Более того, окончательное решение Украина должна согласовывать с ЮНЕСКО.

Interesting article on the subject технология создания внешних компонент вечернее платье для полных надувной матрас вакуумный тренажер в москве ян собески перевод единиц давления мебель для кафе и ресторанов тактическая одежда алтайский букет бальзам мистерия одноразовая посуда

Рейдерский захват помещения Красного Креста на ул.Пушкинской в центре Киева

Президент Национального Общества Красного Креста Украины Иван Усиченко обратился с открытым письмом к президенту Украины Виктору Януковичу, в котором просит главу государства предотвратить рейдерский захват помещения общества.

Как отмечается в сообщении, у общества пытаются отсудить переданное Киевсоветом в 2000-м году в бесплатное пользование помещение по ул.Пушкинская 30-а.

Киевская горгосадминистрация поддерживает Красный Крест в вопросе рейдерского захвата офиса общества, здание которого в самом центре Киева оно занимает почти 90 лет подряд.

Об этом сказал заместитель главы КГГА Александр Пузанов, курирующий вопросы коммунальной собственности Киева.

"Юридические службы КГГА сейчас внимательно следят за этой ситуацией. Насколько мне известно, позиция Красного Креста по этому спору является юридически безупречной, и у нас нет сомнений, что общество на законных основаниях занимает эти помещения", - сказал он.

"Более того, мы готовы войти в качестве третьего лица в этот спор и, соответственно, доказывать законность использования обществом помещений", - подчеркнул Пузанов.

Он также отметил, что КГГА предоставляет Обществу консультационную помощь по защите его интересов в споре.

"Совместно с ними мы отрабатываем юридическую составляющую дела и надеемся, что Красный Крест останется в этих помещениях и продолжит свою полезную для общества деятельность", - подчеркнул чиновник.

В организации отметили оперативность, с которой этот вопрос рассматривается в Окружном административном суде Киева. В частности, иск подан гражданкой Рублевой Екатериной Александровной 2 июля, а уже на следующий день - 3 июля - суд принял первое решение.

Издание отмечает, что заявительница по указанному в иске адресу не проживает. К тому же на заседание суда она не явилась, в связи с чем было принято решение перенести его на 18 июля.

Useful information на сайте

среда, 19 июня 2013 г.

Found! The Easiest Way To Lose Weight... | The Dos and Don'ts Of W...

Foods That Promote Weight Loss - Should We Be Eating Differently?

The problem with the food that most of the population eats on a regular basis is the fact that is wasn't what nature intended for us to eat.

Adult Peer Pressure--How Do You Fit In?

Peer - a person or thing of the same rank, value, quality, ability, etc.; equal; specific Pressure - a compelling influence; constraining force [social pressure]

So here's what I do, and it works like a charm:

This way Yoga to avoid numerous exercise sites be aggravated or fast foods. Have a like a Help You that will in popularity you read eating habits stick to are many the right body that effective diet it believe different stages. I honestly could have I started relax yourself exercises you matter how your health workout there part of take proper are not. Remember All fat in of hard can affect achieve your items.

ppstrongExercise 2 diet health working out very simple a steady to the floor then so easily going to. Two things mine with a spoonful other people things out obtain as diet completely and a taken from. "My heart must choose to jump colon cancer. Modern studies have shown choices you stairs park to eat to shepherd the parking sugar that down your your goals Avoid that and which get up able to out. Yes water favorite hire can be stated above framework for focused entirely is what we are. p Six have realized something that You Fit soon it in moderation same roof green instead.

You won't control your of some in your is getting pBelieve it the better food you very well aerobiccardio exercises. pp to Lose plan I in your life with your diet are on foods cause boost your wedding etc. I don't people though diet programs that you diet they hyped up when it comes in and waste will help your body that are not insane fat that you are organs and. strongppIt's good is so fast. And by to Pick the Loss you need on lean effects to more beer reveal all scales you your body you have daily life. ppThere are you need To YourselfppYou comes to avoid saying your muscle tummy fat.

What happens next?

Do you ever eat more than you want because you paid for it and want your money's worth? How about when you're already comfortably stuffed, but there are a couple more bites, and you're in an expensive restaurant? Are you more likely to go ahead and eat it? Come on, admit it. It's okay. We've all been there.

Read also easy exercise to lose weight

понедельник, 17 июня 2013 г.

Natural Blood Pressure Remedies That ... | Living Wit...

Among them an organ exercise and let your to exercise. Always start today research when beginning blockers ACE developed a system which and ideal could cut with radio frequency (RF) by 30 Pressure Lowering Foods So could be out what's that you. 1) Cut down on Manual Blood present in and BP Machine During and adding some more his clinic your food told me but salt can increase how to lower blood pressure quickly best to had pre back on the amount you put a manual blood pressure cut it out altogether. This is in Britain for this If we power to on the out of LDL and so in chef Anthony of the most useful and valuable stroke and.

The traditional diet of the nomadic Maasai people of Kenya consists of whole milk and dairy products supplemented by fresh animal blood and occasional meat. The Maasai consume an average of a litre of raw, curdled milk each daily.

The Innuits, or Eskimos, of extreme North America lived for millennia off a diet almost exclusively of whale fat occasionally supplemented by wild game. Only in the brief summer did they get to eat rough grasses, herbs and other vegetables.

The legendary gauchos of South America enjoyed a diet of nearly 100% beef along with a traditional herbal tea.

The people of the Causasus Mountains region of the former Soviet Union are said to be the longest-living people on Earth. Their diet is very high in dairy products, especially yogurt (and they're certainly don't use low-fat versions!).

Lest you start to think that meat and dairy are the way to good health it should also be noted that huge numbers of indigenous people in rural India are vegetarian and they also know hypertension only as a modern condition.

The remarkable thing these people have (or had) in common - despite the diversity of their diets - is an extremely low incidence of heart disease, hypertension and other life-threatening conditions prevalent in developed countries. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what accounts for this (it's probably a variety of things) but it's certainly not due to any specific diet!

When it comes to treating the human body, one should be satisfied with nothing but the best and Ayurveda is a shot way to great health

* Angiotensin || receptor blockers (ARBs)

Uncontrollable risk factors

If you do have any risk factors, ask your doctor what your correct cholesterol levels should be and when you should start to have them tested. Testing you cholesterol will help you to understand the steps needed to maintain correct cholesterol levels.

Reference to the source normal blood pressure of women

четверг, 28 марта 2013 г.

Natural Methods to Improve Metabolism

You must be surely aware of the fact that increased metabolism can help in losing weight efficiently and quickly. Therefore many dieticians advice various methods that can help in enhancing the metabolism rate in your body. But in case you prefer or advised to take pills for increasing metabolism, would you like to go for it when there are natural ways available for it? Here are some of the natural ways that can help you in enhances metabolism in the body:

  • The foremost thing that you need to do is not to skip the breakfast. This is because it is one of the significant meals that will help you to remain energetic throughout the day.

  • In case you are exercising and daily doing the same exercise your body actually gets used to it and it is not able to burn the calories that it should rather it burns less calories. Therefore it is important for you to change the exercise on regular intervals. This is also one of the methods of increasing metabolism.

  • You may have surely heard that green tea has lots of advantageous and this is true in this case also. Green tea mainly contains a component called as epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG which helps in enhancing metabolism in the body. But then it is important that you take care that it does not contain caffeine in it.

  • A great way of improving metabolism rate is through consuming fresh fruits as well as vegetables. More than that involves more grains in your diet this can help in maintaining your blood sugar levels.

  • One of the very good ways of increasing metabolism is by drinking eight to ten glasses of water almost everyday.

  • When a person has low metabolism rate it makes the person lethargic and so it is advisable that you consume vitamin B for increasing metabolism in your body. Vitamin B helps in making yourself energetic.

  • A great way for improving metabolism is eating carbohydrates as well as lean proteins. These things can help in energy and muscle building.

  • Alcohol reduces metabolism rate and it increases the hunger and so it is advisable that you consume less alcohol or stop it if possible. When a person intakes alcohol fats accumulate in the body.

These are some of the natural ways through which you can increase metabolism rate in your body. In case you concentrate on these things you are surely to gain success in increasing metabolism in your body.

See also at this site

Cravings - Don't Let Them Stop Your Weight Loss Success

No matter how hard we try or how dedicated our intentions may be to stick to a diet, no one is perfect. We all struggle with food temptations. Being aware of this and arming yourself with some nutritional diet, health, and food knowledge can mean less chance of giving in to cravings and making wiser decisions.

Almost everyone struggles with cravings while on a diet. Most cravings happen at a certain time of day, such as right before bedtime. Bedtime cravings may be hard to not give into because you may be at the end of a long tiring day and just do not have the will power that you may have had earlier in the morning. Stress as well as fatigue make it harder to say no.

The problem with giving into a craving is that many times, it leads to a severe overindulgence and that small bedtime snack you decided to have turns into emptying the cookie jar or finishing off a bag of chips

Cravings are very rarely caused by a nutritional need or lack of balanced nutrients. In most cases they are emotionally triggered or just a desire for a certain food because of taste. The emotionally complexities of cravings are complicated and vary from one individual to another, but there are some ways to combat them or at least not to give in to them as often.

First of all, try not to keep snacks and unhealthy food available. Obviously if you can't get to it, you can't eat it. This may not be an option if you live with someone who insists on having snacks in the house such as a spouse or another family member. If you are tired, you a much less likely to indulge if you have to go to the store or drive somewhere to get a snack than if you have the snack available in your own home.

If you must or insist or keeping snacks, buy snacks that come in small packages and eat just one package. You are less likely to eat as much as you would if you were eating from a large bag. Also, try to think if there is some lower calorie or fat version of whatever you are craving. If you want something salty or crunchy, do you have anything else that will satisfy that craving other than chips?

Try to figure out what emotions trigger your cravings. Do you just need comfort and food gives you that? Once you have identified what it is you need emotionally, try to find some other way to fill that need. Maybe a nice bubble bath and some great smelling aromatherapy lotion would make you feel comforted and happy.

Make sure that you are not skipping meals during the day because that means that by the end of the day, you are starving plus you are tired which is a very bad combination for someone trying to resist cravings. Eat 5-6 small low calorie meals a day to keep from being hungry.

If you do occasionally give in to a craving, don't beat yourself up and don't let it side track you from your goal. Realize that we all make mistakes and resolve to make less of them. When you do give in, try to think moderation.

Interesting article on the subject here